

lördag 1 oktober 2016

Anything can be Everything when you have Nothing

I am going to write this blogpost in English due to the persons it is referring to. Even though you can use Google translate and despite of that I will write in English. I have had the pleasure of not only listening to but to even host a teacher from India named Srini Swaminathan who has been telling us about his heroic students, who despite all their challenges are going to school every day, fighting for their right to take an active part in our world. The story that Srini tells with such a warm heart is about them - the heroes of the future. Srini is now working for Teach for India. What Srini is talking about is the important work we all have as teachers to not only motivate our pupils but the help them keep their dreams. The dreams is what keeps them believing in themselves. Srini is living by the words "Anything can be Everything when you have Nothing" where he is using his own mind and body to reach out to the pupils in innovative ways, like for instance his human whiteboard which he created in order to visualize the subjects for the students. The message he wants to give us all is: Make joy and hapinness the foundation of the classroom. What can you do to make a difference? Help those in your surroundings in your struggle to make the world a better place to live in. Create tools of what you have around you, never mind what you do not have, focus on what you have and what you can do with it!

Let's cheer him on in the Marathon he is running in Lissabon tomorrow (2/10), where he is running to raise money for all the students his heart is beating so hard for!

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